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Worship Team Training helps worship teams to benefit and see results from uniquely customized workshops without the high cost of travel and conference expense. 
--John Chisum / Worship Pastor Worship Songwriter / Producer
Evening Worship & Workshop
  1.  Choose Either Friday or Saturday Night Worship
  2.  Choose Public (Churchwide) 
  3.  Private Worship (Your Team Only)
  4.  Opening Worship Led By Branon Dempsey
  5.  Pre Service Rehearsal Time & Team Training
  6.  During Service: Testimony by Branon Dempsey
  7.  Concluding Time of Prayer
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Session I. Worship Foundations
  1. Essentials For Biblical Worship
  2. Worship Foundations Session Follows Worship Service
  3. Key Worship Leading Insights
  4. Shaping Perspectives For Engagement
  5. Practical Team Leading Initiatives
  6. Identifying Cultures / Leading Authentic Worship
Session II. Music Studies 
  1. Simplify The Basics Of Music
  2. Increase Music/Chart Skills
  3. Creatively Arrange Your Songs
  4. Uncover Simple Musical Truths
  5. Develop New Music Tools
  6. Workbook music examples
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Session III. Band Training
  1. Band & Vocal Hands-On Training
  2. Unify Instrumental Control & Technique
  3. Make Better Transitions
  4. Identify Parts & Layering Textures
  5. Polish Your Songs Towards Fresh Arrangements
  6. Maximize The Creativity Of Your Team
Session IV. Vocal Instruction
  1. Vocal Care & Essentials
  2. Easy Practical Warm-Ups
  3. Breath Control & Vocal Staying Power
  4. How To Maximize Your Natural Voice
  5. Making Harmony Work For You
  6. Workbook Vocal Exercises
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Session V. Team Coaching
  1. Team Leadership Values
  2. WeekendWorkshop Wrap-Up / Recap
  3. Building A Healthy Worship Community
  4. Final Band Coaching Round
  5. Defining Your Ministry Goals
  6. Concluding Vision Prayer Time

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